American media magnate and Meta owner, Mark Zuckerberg, has disclosed that popular mobile chat platform, WhatsApp, would get new privacy features.
In a Facebook post on Tuesday, he said WhatsApp will soon allow users to leave group chats without notifying others and control who can see when they are online.
As part of the update, which would be rolled out later this month, users would also be given the ability to block people from taking screenshots of View Once messages, which are designed to disappear after being opened
The screenshot blocking tool will also be introduced to the users.
Currently, when a user leaves a group chat a notification appears at the bottom of the conversation telling others in the group who has left.
And while users are already able to turn off a feature which tells others if they have read a message, it has not been possible until now to hide the fact that a user was online and using WhatsApp.
The Meta-owned messaging platform said the new features aim to keep improving the privacy around online conversations.