WhatsApp has announced the introduction of a business directory function that supports in-app transactions in Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, and the UK.
According to TechCrunch, the instant messaging service tested this function in Sao Paulo last year.
Users can use this feature to find nearby companies and look up companies by categories including banking, dining, and travel.
At a meeting in Brazil devoted to WhatsApp, the company said that the “business search” tool will help people find contacts for businesses more quickly on their websites.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, remarked: “We want to make it easier for people to get more done on WhatsApp. Part of that is building better ways to engage with businesses.”
Over 2 billion people use WhatsApp worldwide.
According to the company’s quarterly earnings, which were cited by TechCrunch last month, the click-to-WhatsApp ad business had increased revenue by 80% year over year and was on course to reach $1.5 billion annually.